Never before offered. Real Estate Agents, get READY !!


This quote is from Julius Caesar. It is a call to arms, and folks, right now we are in a war in our industry. A mentor of mine, Mal Emery, recently had a seminar called, ‘The War on Recession Bootcamp.’ The war starts here, and I’m about to let slip the Dogs of War. Heaven help your competition when we’re done with this offensive.
Now whether or not you succeed is COMPLETELY your responsibility. You have three choices. I know because you’ve come this far, that the first choice, to do nothing is NOT AN OPTION. The industry will not allow you to simply BE IN real estate sales and still make a great income from it. But my team and I have a plan. What if I were to say to you that for less than the cost of two coffees a week, you could be personally mentored by myself, Glenn Twiddle, Pat Mesiti, Rudy Ruettiger, Mark Dwyer, Kirsty Dunphey, Mal Emery and a list way too numerous and star studded to mention here? I have assembled a team to give YOU - 

  • Doom & Gloom Busting, Income Exploding Strategies, Speakers, Concepts and Ideas
  • Complete Training Systems designed to rocket you to the top of your area
  • Performance Management Systems from myself that I have personally tested, proven to WORK, trained others to use them and it worked for them too. (Sometimes to a greater degree than my own success !!)
  • Strategies from “Real-Time-Tested” Gurus (including myself) who have been called into more real estate agencies (sometimes neglected and almost lifeless) and injected radical & controversial marketing strategies — and turned them into kick butt agencies in record time !!
  • Internationally recognised Trainers at your beck and call
  • No lock in contracts – cancel any time (and keep the gifts you have already received as my gift to you)

I have had so many people ask me to go into business with them because obviously they see in me, an enthusiasm and some skills and knowledge that they want to be able to learn from. Well, now is your opportunity. I have lined up some of the best real estate and entrepreneurial minds in the country and brought them to you for a fraction of what their real worth is. 

As part of my Platinum Real Estate Mentoring Program, you have ME as part of your business, and as a bonus, you get my mentors as well, and here’s the kicker – I PAY THEIR BILLS, NOT YOU. 

The list of inclusions is listed below, but suffice to say, this is worth thousands of dollars a month to you and the pittance you’ll pay for this program will stun you (it’s so low, not so high). 

And I even have a Real Estate Gold Program as well, that is a less intense version but still with some of the features of my Platinum Inner Circle. So, here’s what you get in each of the programs. 

Product / Training Service
Platinum Mentoring
Real Estate Gold
Quarterly Platinum MEMBERS ONLY training day

Value – $197 

Monthly half hour mentoring and coaching (phone call or face to face depending on location)

Value – $250 

Monthly CD Training and Tips with some of the best real estate minds in the country and world  

Value – $47 

Full online access to complete training system.(This is worth the price of admission alone, as others have happily paid me full price for this material and given me testimonials saying it was too cheap !!! And even if you cancel, YOU KEEP the training as YOUR GIFT !!! )  

Value – $1100 

Real Estate Ambulance – Access to call and/or email in emergencies to save listings, close sales etc. Includes – ‘You’re the best’ service. I’ll speak with your owners, as a third party sales trainer, and assist you to close marketing, secure an exclusive listing, or whatever else is required.  

On call advice email / phone response within max 24 hours 

Value – $297 




(one call per month) 

Referrals from 

and my personal database when required 

Value – depends on area (potentially thousands) 


(if no one in your area is Platinum member) 

Certificate of Accreditation for your Presentation Folder  

Value – $47 

Letter copywriting service – Free access to letters for prospecting, follow up and keeping in contact.  

Value – $297 


(including custom writing of letters) 


(access to existing letters) 

‘The Library’ access – scripts and dialogues for every situation. Fee negotiation, seller paid advertising, exclusives/auctions and much more, and it’s ever evolving.  

Value – $97 

Accountability and K.P.I analysis system

Value – $27 


Total Value



Your choice ofinvestment plans only… 

$97 (+gst)per month for Platinum or….

$27 (+gst)per month for Real Estate Gold

I have only the capacity to handle so many salespeople in this program, so don’t delay or this opportunity may be gone. Once I’m full, I’m full, that’s it. 

Heard enough ? – Choose your level and Sign Up NOW

Click HERE for the Platinum Program – and get a $85 discount, yes, your first month, and access to all the training is completely FREE for your first month (just $9.95 to cover postage and costs) and if you don’t agree that the program is worth 10 times your subscription simply cancel and you’ve paid $9.95 for some of the best training you will EVER receive. 


Here’s the second option. The Real Estate Gold Program. It contains many of the features of the Platinum Program, but with less ‘one on one’ time with me. Click here for that program again, FOR FREE for your first trial month. (Just $4.95 postage to try it out). 

But if you want more info, read on.

Napoleon Hill, famed author of “Think and Grow Rich”, studied 500 of the most successful people over a 20 year period. What he discovered was there are 16 characteristics common to them all and the top 5 they shared are:

This is your opportunity to take these steps and follow those guidelines. 

Don’t re-invent the wheel. Pioneers get arrows in their back !! Just do what the successful ALREADY do and are willing to TEACH and SHOW YOU how to do the same !!!

I believe you and I have crossed paths at exactly the right time. 

Why? For 2 reasons: 

First, because I’ve never been more prepared and eager to teach hungry students how to break-free from “just getting by” to a massively successful real estate career and the income that comes with it, than I am right now! 

And secondly, if you’ve read this far, then I already know you’re light-years ahead of the rest of the pack. And deep down inside you’re looking for more. You know you haven’t reached your full potential yet, and you’re sick and tired of waiting!  

Bottom line:

If you want a “No Bull, Tell-It-As-It-Is, straight shooting, no holds barred mentor who has walked the walk, but without the crud and ego – then you’re at the right place – the search is over!

But like any great mentor… I’m not going to chase you… I’m going to point you in the right direction and let you make the next move. 

You’ll thank me later. 

Glenn Twiddle
‘You Won’t Know Yourself in 90 Days’ 

Click HERE for the Platinum Program – and get a $85 discount, yes, your first month, and access to all the training is only $9.95 for your first month (just to cover postage and costs) and if you don’t agree that the program is worth 10 times your subscription simply cancel and you’ve paid $9.95 for some of the best training you will EVER receive. 


Here’s the second option. The Real Estate Gold Program. It contains many of the features of the Platinum Program, but with less ‘one on one’ time with me. Click here for that program with again, a big discount for your first trial month. (Just $4.95 to try it out). 

P.S. -

Just in case you were wondering… I am taking 100% of the risk on my shoulders! There is no locked in payments or minimum membership period, so you can pull out anytime, no questions asked – PLUS – you can keep all of your special gift bonuses. Risky for me… I know… but I’m relying on only the decent and genuine people (like me), wanting to improve, to be a part of this exclusive group.

PPS – here’s two, compelling reasons to take me up on this offer. 

Reason 1 – Don’t take my word for it, here are what some students of mine have written….

Hi Glenn, 

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I enjoyed your presentations this week while doing my Sales Persons Course. I wish I would have had lecturers like you when I did my studies. Having that kind of passion, excitement and honesty in your presentations is what really made it an enjoyable experience for me. Making learning fun! Man how simple but yet so rare is that in the world we live and work in and in every facit of life. 

You should seriously look at taking your teaching methods on the road and put some of that excitement in to other lecturers in the Real Estate Industry. 

Glenn you have the goods get out and share them around Australia they will thank you for it! If I can be of service in any way in the future don’t hesitate to drop me a line and I would be more than happy to do whatever I can. 

All the very best in your work and personal life, even though I know that all the very best will come to you, and those you bless with your teachings because of your passionate way! 


Silvio Bevacqua 

(founder / CEO of Silvio’s / Domino’s Pizza) 

“I, Michael Spillane have been taught in a number of training sessions with Glenn Twiddle over the past few years. Glenn is not your ordinary sales trainer! In an industry that I believe is quite unsophisticated in sales related skills, Glenn’s course has delivered the missing ingredient to our industry.
Since I have learned a number of new techniques and skills that Glenn has taught me, my closing ratios on listings have improved by more than 42%. I have witnessed Glenn achieve the same results with a large number of sales staff that I have managed too!
If you wish to build substantial wealth through real estate sales and achieve huge success in the process, then Glenn’s course is a must!” 

Michael Spillane – Sales Manager
LJ Hooker Albany Creek 

“Dear Glenn, 

I would just like to take the time to thank you for your vibrant, energetic and enthusiastic approach to the courses I have just undertaken through the REIQ Coorparoo office …… with examples of your obviously vast experience in the real estate industry brought the subject to life.
Not too many trainers are happy to pass on their knowledge of “tips and tricks” (I mean the good ones!!) which made them successful in any industry, it is very obvious that you wish all of your students to be the lucky few that make it in a competitive industry and only further clarified what my first impressions were of you as a person; A man with a BIG heart!
….. if someone wanted a third party opinion of yourself as a captivating and motivating speaker I would be more than willing to speak with them at length.” 

John Bowles - Registration student 

“In early 2007 I had the pleasure of having Glenn as an REIQ lecturer. His knowledge of people and real estate was of a very high standard and his enthusiasm and positive energy was extremely uplifting. Glenn always had time to answer all students and did so in an extremely helpful and kind manner. I very much enjoyed his teachings.”
Registration student 

I found your training and speaking engagements both informative and enlightening. From my point of view it is important that recipients new to real estate have an accurate understanding of just what to expect in establishing ones self. Your on-going training provided me with that and I can honestly say that I came into this industry with my eyes wide open, so to speak and two and half years on, I’m still here. 

Mitchell Turei – LJ Hooker Albany Creek 

Some other student excerpts 

‘Simply the best ! Your energy is very contagious. I feel as though I’ve caught your disease’ – Trevor Duffie Toowoomba 

‘Of all the trainers I have had, you were the most inspiriational and interesting to listen to. you gave me great enthusiasm’ – Andrew See 

‘Great job Glenn !! You didn’t bore me at all which is surprising to me since I have a short attention span. I’m a raving fan for sure !’ – Elle Halman 

“Massive Sucess in Real Estate” has replaced my music.
I would encourage and recommend the services provided by Glenn Twiddle to any person, whether in the private or corporate sphere, who wants to enhance and promote their ideals or business to the greater community. Words cannot do justice to the overall satisfaction that I experienced as a result of the professionalism and dedication of his work. I am extremely confident that Glenns insight will lead my business to ultimate success! Thank you!! 

Kind Regards
Patrick Orr 

‘Glenn is the DUDE !!’ – Ben O’Brien 

‘I recently started my own agency after some time as a salesperson in real estate. When I got this series I was starting from scratch with no listings. After 4 months in the game and with the help of Glenn’s ideas I have really got going now. I now have 7 Exclusives which is all I can handle till I sell one of them. I am starting to pick and choose what I take on now and have started a waiting list. This week I have had the 2 bigger agents in town contacting me wanting to bring buyers to my listings which I am encouraging. I have been working late catching up with the paperwork but having a ball. 

The CDs are great. I have been playing them constantly in the car. I would recommend this Series to anyone looking to start or rejuvenate in Real Estate.
I look forward to the next instalment from Glenn. Thanks Mate.’
Peter Forbes – Principal Forbes Real Estate 

Great cd Glenn,
YOu should be charging more for it. This is priceless material for all real estate agents old and new.
Maybe the industry would be at a much higher standard if more people listened to your cd’s and acted upon them.
Good stuff mate keep it up. 

Jason Bond – Principal All Brisbane Realty 

And just in case these people are ALL lying to you…..

If, for any reason, or for no reason, if you don’t agree with me that the material you have learned from me is worth many times your investment, at any stage in the first 2 months, this program is backed by my complete satisfaction guarantee. 


Simply put, if you don’t make sales YOU DON’T GIVE ME ANY MONEY !! (IN FACT I’D BE EMBARRASSED TO KEEP IT) 

I refuse to have anyone out there saying they didn’t get value when dealing with Glenn Twiddle, so rest assured, the only risk being taken here, is mine. And I’m happy to take this risk on you. 

P.P.S. – I have had requests for a more intense coaching program, so I have a ‘suped up’ version for you. For $300 a month +GST, you can have me for an hour a fortnight where available (but definitely at least a half hour a fortnight) on the phone or, if you come to me or I’m in your area, face to face. 

So all of the above but FOUR times the ‘Glenn Contact’ with a fortnightly hour long consult/coaching/training/one on one mentoring. 

PLUS – twice a year, get a full day with me private, closed door, only for Platinum PLUS people, to plan the financial year in June and to plan the coming year in Dec/Jan. 

Value – $997 yours for only $300 + gst per month